Friday, March 15, 2013

A Wee Bit O' Gaelic Singing...

Several people have asked me to demonstrate a bit of Gaelic lately so it gave me the idea to include a little audio of me singing an Irish song called Dulaman in the Gaelic language. I am not fluent in Gaelic (I can get by alright but fluency is on my to do list in life) so my annunciations are not perfect and for some reason the blogger would only upload a small bit of the song and it cuts off at a strange point, but for the sake of time and sanity this evening I am going to throw this on here and call it good. If you are interested to know the English translation and lyrics to this song, here is the link: .  Due to the Norman invasions, the Viking invasions, and the English invasions, the Gaelic language was outlawed and nearly lost. Luckily, the Society for the Preservation of the Irish Language and various other organizations have worked to re-instill the native language. Gaelic is now a required course in schools and is visible everywhere from street signs to books and shops. There is also a Gaelic radio and television station. Here is the link to an article on the preservation and restoration of the Gaelic language: . Here is another great site concerning the importance of preserving the Gaelic language: . My mother began to teach me Gaelic when I was young and together we have studied and attempted to learn this intricate and intimate language that is so full of soul that you feel like you are singing it when you speak it. The cause of Gaelic preservation is very important to my mother and I and we encourage all, Irish and not, to take at least a moment to examine and marvel at this ancient and wonderful tongue. Erin go Bragh!

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