Saturday, May 25, 2013

"Might I,"...."might I have a bit of Earth?"

The Secret Garden - by Frances Hodgson Burnett

In my opinion (as an avid reader/gardener of course), the best summer read ever!  I picked up my treasured copy in 1979 at The Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts in the most quaint bookstore for miles around!

Old Sturbridge Village Bookstore

Little Robin Red-Breast...

The American Robin is perhaps the best-known songbird in America.  Their arrival is considered a sure sign that spring is on it's way, but most species overwinter in most of the lower 48 states.  They are very vocal during their nesting season, often greeting us with their songs a wee bit too early in the morning for our liking!  Robins are often seen on suburban lawns, cocking their heads as if they are listening for predators.  In actuality, they rely solely on sight to capture worms, their main diet.                 

I have personally nursed numerous Robins, many whom did not survive, due to them being poisoned.  Popular lawn and garden fertilizers that come in the small white pellet form contain ammonium sulfate, which these beauties mistake for seed and then eat.  It then disintegrates their digestive systems, a very sad process to witness.  May I please suggest organic fertilizers for your lawns and gardens at all times?  Then we can continue to enjoy the "Little Robin Red-Breast" for many more seasons to come.

Now THIS Hummer is fuel efficient...

The Broad-tailed Hummingbird is one of the most common feeder hummingbirds, and if you are very still one of these little beauties will fly right up and look you in the face...a fascinating experience!  Their habitat is the Rocky Mountain meadows, forests and city feeder sites.  They are 4-4 1/2 ", green above and white below.  The male has a rose colored neck (gorget) and the female has pinkish flanks.

For your hummingbird feeder, do NOT use commercially produced syrup.  The red dye can be toxic to the birds.  I make my own syrup with 1 part fine sugar to 3 parts boiling water.  Let the water cool, poor it into your feeder (no need to add any coloring) and watch the frenzy!  If there is such a thing as reincarnation...yep, I'm coming back as a watch out!